Technological Platform for accessing school engagement and contextual factors, and providing online result reports

Mahia Saracostti Schwartzman, Laura Lara, Edgardo Miranda Zapata
2019 Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology  
This technical report describes a web-based platform for assessing school engagement in its three dimensions (emotional, behavioural and cognitive) and the contextual variables which influence engagement (family, teachers and peers). Students answer two questionnaires through the platform. Results are shown online through individual reports on students for teachers and psychosocial support teams, as well as the pupils themselves and their parents or guardians; it also provides aggregate reports
more » ... by grade and school for teachers, psychosocial teams and school managers to assist in making contextualized and informed decisions. The technological platform for assessing school engagement was developed in Chile. It is based on specially designed and psychometrically validated instruments for measuring school engagement and contextual factors, and on a tool for predictive modelling of student behaviour and contextual factors. The platform is currently being adjusted and tested for use in other Ibero-American countries (Peru, Uruguay, Colombia and Spain).
doi:10.25115/ejrep.v17i47.2049 fatcat:tojh3ciacbfxjmrtbegnqztcte