A Study to Simulate Cell Voltage-Reversal Behavior Caused by Local Hydrogen Starvation in a Stack of Fuel Cell Vehicle
연료전지차 스택 내 국부적 수소 부족에 기인한 셀 역전압 거동 모사에 대한 연구

Ji Yeon Park, Se Joon Im, Kookil Han, Bo Ki Hong
2013 Transactions of the Korean hydrogen and new energy society  
>> A clear understanding on cell voltage-reversal behavior due to local hydrogen starvation in a stack is of paramount importance to operate the fuel cell vehicle (FCV) stably since it affects significantly the cell performance and durability. In the present study, a novel experimental method to simulate the local cell voltage-reversal behavior caused by local hydrogen starvation, which typically occurs only one or several cells out of several hundred cells in a stack of FCV, has been proposed.
more » ... Contrary to the conventional method of overall fuel starvation, the present method of local hydrogen starvation caused the local cell voltage-reversal behavior in a stack very well. Degradation of both membrane electrode assembly (i.e., pin-hole formation) and gas diffusion layer due to an excessive exothermic heat under voltage-reversal condition was also observed clearly.
doi:10.7316/khnes.2013.24.4.311 fatcat:sm2rndkcljaolgn7jibisaglw4