Quantitative and chemical-state analyses of surface oxygen on graphite oxides using total-electron-yield soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy

Yasuji Muramatsu, Satoshi Ueda, Eric M. Gullikson
2009 TANSO  
The chemical states of graphitic carbon materials have been investigated by various analytical methods, including X-ray photoemission spectroscopy XPS , infrared spectroscopy IR , and thermal desorption spectroscopy TDS . In particular, the chemical states of oxygen on a carbon surface have been intensively analyzed and oxidized surface structure models have been proposed 1 , 2 because oxidation of carbon materials often directly affects the chemical properties of carbon materials. Although the chemical
doi:10.7209/tanso.2009.9 fatcat:3x77qlmhanegvmbzqrde7y4tw4