Problems & Prospects of Interdisciplinary Approach

Oleg N. Yanitsky, Olga A. Basheva
2020 Creative Education  
Humanity is now living in a tightly-integrated world, and this integration rapidly continues to grow. The forces of this integration are well-known: they are the Third and the Fourth industrial revolutions and their natural and social consequences. The aim of the article is to show that all sciences and social practices should follow to such integrative process that is they should be the systemic and interdisciplinary ones. It follows that recently any social action, including all environmental
more » ... transformations, and their relationships have in essence the systemic nature and therefore should be represented in interdisciplinary manner. The metabolic processes i.e. the qualitative transformation of a particular social organism, matter and energy, are the key moments in such interactions and transformations. Creative Education Of course, the so-called "normal accidents" (Perrow, 1984; Sagan, 1993 ) mainly of a local or regional scale are still existed and will exist but the global structures, processes and disasters with unknown feedbacks to the biosphere and humanity came to the forefront. In sum, the scale and amount of global risks and disasters are growing while the mono-disciplinary organized sciences couldn't prepare humanity to the struggle with new and integrated global threats. And the only one way out as been the tough administrative measures as isolation and self-isolation.
doi:10.4236/ce.2020.117080 fatcat:5gvaca3iejfr3ip26p5kus5d24