Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to a notification from WFA and AWRI on milk used in the manufacture of wine pursuant to Article 6 paragraph 11 of Directive 2000/13/EC -

2007 EFSA Journal  
The prevalence of allergic reactions to milk proteins and particularly to casein among the general population of adults has been reported to be around 1%. The applicant provides information regarding milk and products thereof used in the manufacture of wine. Detailed information is provided on manufacturing processes and on the detection/quantification of residual amounts of milk proteins, essentially casein, in the final wines. A history of safe use with regard to allergic reactions is claimed
more » ... by the applicant. However, evidence for this claim is limited and adverse reactions due to the presence of milk residues in wine may have been under-reported. The analytical data presented regarding the presence of milk proteins in fined wines are inconclusive. The sensitivity and specificity of cell-based laboratory tests applied were not sufficient to draw conclusions. Clinical studies including double blind placebo controlled food challenges only included one milk allergic patient, who presented a mild adverse reaction when challenged with wines fined with milk. Taking into account the information provided, the Panel considers that wines fined with milk (e.g. skimmed milk powder) and products thereof may trigger adverse reactions in susceptible individuals under the conditions of use stated by the applicant.
doi:10.2903/j.efsa.2007.532 fatcat:54uqs46majh2hdlffxenrv7maa