Optional instant locking in distributed collaborative graphics editing systems

D. Chen, Chengzheng Sun
Proceedings. Eighth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems. ICPADS 2001  
Real-time collaborative editing systems are distributed groupware systems that allow multiple users to edit the same document at the same time from multiple sites. A specific type of collaborative editing system is the object-based collaborative graphics editing system. f i aditionally, locking has been used as the major concurrency control techniques in this type of system. This paper examines locking i n a supporting role to the concurrency control technique of multi-versioning. Two types of
more » ... ocks are examined: object and region. Two optional and responsive locking schemes, instant locking and instant exclusive locking, are presented. Their advantages and disadvantages are discussed. 109 0-7695-1 153-8/01 $10.00 0 2001 IEEE
doi:10.1109/icpads.2001.934808 dblp:conf/icpads/ChenS01 fatcat:vm7oithyhrevxbldepr23lwprm