Microsatellite Marker C04107 as a Diagnostic Marker for Copper Toxicosis in the Danish Population of Bedlington Terriers

H. F. Proschowsky, B. Jepsen, H. E. Jensen, A. L. Jensen, M. Fredholm
2000 Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica  
M: Microsatellite marker C04107 as a diagnostic marker for copper toxicosis in the Danish population of Bedlington terriers. Acta vet. scand. 2000, 41, 345-350. -The linkage phase of marker C04107 was evaluated before implementation of the marker in a diagnostic test. Blood samples from 68 dogs were collected and genotyped by PCR. Two alleles were detected with sizes of 160 bp and 164 bp and allele frequencies of 0.45 and 0.55 respectively. Genotyp ing revealed that 35 dogs were heterozygous
more » ... .5%), 22 dogs were homoz ygous for the normal allele (32.3%) and II dogs were homozygous for the disease allele (16.2%). Liver biopsies were taken from 14 selected dogs and the copper content was evaluated histologically. Biopsies from 8 dogs homozygous for the disease allele showed many copper granules along with single cell necrosis, haemosid erosis and cellular infiltration. In liver biopsies from 6 dogs genotyped to be heterozygous or homozygous for the normal allele, copper granul es were absent or moderate in number and no lesions were present. The survey demon strates that the linkage phase of marker C04 I07 in the Danish population of Bedlington terriers is similar to the linkage phase detected in other countries . Thus, the marker can be used in a diagnostic test for copper toxicosis in Denmark. DNA-marker, liver disease.
doi:10.1186/bf03549625 fatcat:u6qeymzdzvhf7ernrjsqc6m2xe