Research on the Development Strategy of Power Generation Enterprises Entering the Electric Selling Market under New Electric Power System Reform

Huan-yu JIA
2018 DEStech Transactions on Social Science Education and Human Science  
Guided by the general idea of "Let go of two head, hold the middle" of the new round of electric power system reform, seizing market opportunities and forming a competitive advantage have become the key to the transformation and development of large-scale state-owned power generation enterprises. Based on the research of new electric power reform policy, this paper analyzes the prospects of large-scale state-owned power generation enterprises in electric selling business from the perspective of
more » ... value flow, technology flow and business flow and makes a tentative plan and exploration analysis on the development mode, business process and profit model. Power generation enterprises should be aware that allowing them to invest in electric selling business is a major opportunity, which will facilitate the integration of production and sales, extend the industrial chain and optimize the allocation of resources so that large thermal or low-cost hydropower units can generate more power and improve overall efficiency.
doi:10.12783/dtssehs/icems2018/20120 fatcat:pyzs7xc3f5benkjd4rmvnwx2li