"My Last Duchess" Poem from a Psychosocial and Social Point of View

2021 American Research Journal of English and Literature  
The purpose of this study is to examine Robert Browning's poem "My Last Duchess" (1842) from a psychosocial point of view. It intends to analyze the poem using some concepts such as the rule of jealousy and possession pride, arrogance, and murder. The reason why the study chooses to use these particular concepts is that the psychosocial phenomena they represent play a major role in this poem. The main character in the poem can be considered to belong to these concepts. It led him to jealousy,
more » ... ich led to the commission of the murder. The researcher recommended that the psychological state of the psychopathic must be understood in order to avoid their violent behavior because they suffer from psychopathy due to social family problems and eventually led them to commit murder.
doi:10.21694/2378-9026.21018 fatcat:rn4brbhlpzfgngapsmtr2ewaxy