Human Rights and Liberties - The Need to Protect and Guarantee Them in the Context of Globalisation

Adriana Nicoleta Odină, Monica Dana Corina Roșu
2020 Ovidius University Annals: Economic Sciences Series  
The paper aims at an interdisciplinary approach to a controversial aspect of globalization, i.e. the role of the state in respecting, protecting and guaranteeing the subjective rights of its own citizens in this context. The traditional duties of the state have changed under the impact of political-legislative, economic and social transformations. Questions arise as to whether the state can still fulfil its classical duties effectively and whether it will somehow disappear. This study examines
more » ... he specifics of these rights and the prospects for their future protection, both nationally and internationally, highlighting the issues and challenges brought about by such protection in the globalization context. The research, through the methods used (comparative, logical, historical, teleological method, etc.) attempts at a critical assessment of the phenomenon, of the main theories in the field and questions the effectiveness of the current protection mechanisms. The problem came to the attention of specialists only at the beginning of this millennium and continues to arise their interest.
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