Consumer Preference and Willingness to Pay for an Officially Certified Quality Label: Implications for Traditional Food Producers

Carlos Padilla, Pablo Villalobos, Achim Spiller, Guy Henry
2007 Agricultura Técnica  
A B S T R A C T A study was carried out in Chile in order to evaluate consumer preference and willingness to pay for a certified quality label on traditional food products, employing a conjoint analysis method. A total of 234 individuals were interviewed in two Chilean cities, Santiago and Talca. A homemade blackberry (Rubus ulmifolius) marmalade and three product attributes with their respective levels were chosen (price, quality label and jar appearance). Nine hypothetical product concepts
more » ... e generated applying an orthogonal design. Respondents were asked to rank the product concepts according to their preferences. The results obtained through the conjoint model suggest that an "officially certified quality label" is the most important attribute influencing consumer choice behavior. Likewise, a positive willingness to pay for such an attribute is observed. As a differentiation and quality management tool, an official certified quality label seems to be a good alternative to improve the situation and market opportunities for small farmers. It is important to notice that this study corresponds to the first empirical approach carried out in Chile, which relates the conjoint analysis method with consumer preferences for this kind of food product.
doi:10.4067/s0365-28072007000300009 fatcat:sxxea77frzf7xhpqxjqgrmp2ua