Attending to self-activity in the Afro-American client

Adelbert H. Jenkins
1985 Psychotherapy  
Recent literature which propotes-a more active theyapeutic stance with Afro-American client's is consistent with general trends in clinical theory. Therapists_ are beginningto. appreciate the usefulness of, the concept of the "self." Rychlak (1979) notes that a humanistic approach in pdychology emphasizes the importance of an introspective point of view in understanding human behavior. It is impossible to account for 'human behavior without taking the actor's perspective into account. In a
more » ... ar vein, Kohut. (977) stresses the importance of the empathy of parents for a child's needs, and of the therapist in the therapeutic situation. A theoretical and technical/ position that emphasizes empathic sensitivity to the client's experience is particularly useful in considering the experience of Afro-Americans; Minority clients' early disenchantment in therapy may reflect tha failure of therapists to appreciate and. respond empathitally to the specific-introspective point of view that the black client brings to therapy. (MCF) -;
doi:10.1037/h0085512 fatcat:rqmlwoyignbedf5k5h5qtt7xbm