Diplomatic practices beyond Brussels: the EU delegations and the coordination of EU foreign and security policy [chapter]

Anna Michalski
2022 The Everyday Making of EU Foreign and Security Policy  
This chapter explores the role played by the network of European Union (EU) delegations in the implementation of EU foreign policy, and examines the coordination between EU delegations and EU member state diplomatic missions in third countries around the world and the practices that have evolved in this process. The purpose of the coordination is to consolidate European diplomatic performance abroad and make the European diplomatic community more visible. The formal and informal practices that
more » ... ave emerged reveal the In this chapter, 'European diplomats' refers to both civil servants in the EU delegations and EU member states' embassies and diplomatic missions.
doi:10.4337/9781789907551.00017 fatcat:npmnjbl4hjagpbuawqsqskkwdu