Slow and intermittent stress relaxation of biomass granular media

Florent Thevenon, Bharath Devulapalli, Muriel Marchand, Thierry Melkior, Alain de Ryck, M.A. Aguirre, S. Luding, L.A. Pugnaloni, R. Soto
2021 EPJ Web of Conferences  
In the present work, the relaxation of several wood powders has been investigated in an annular shear cell. It is found that the slow logarithmic relaxation commonly observed for various materials including granular materials is interrupted by large events. Their frequency and amplitude are investigated with respect to particle size and stress-history by measuring stresses and strain. These large events during the relaxation appear to be controlled by the deformation. The coarser the particles
more » ... re, the bigger is the deformation of the powder bed between two fast relaxation events and during the event.
doi:10.1051/epjconf/202124908010 fatcat:ptnnigt7e5hcppiu46sc6fwql4