Resilience in health workers: The role of social support and calling

Grace Tesabela Koamesah, Stefani Virlia, Muwaga Musa
2022 Psikohumaniora: Jurnal Penelitian Psikologi  
Health workers are professionals with high exposure to various types of stress; therefore, they need resilience to survive in their profession. This research aims to test the effect of social support and calling on resilience in health workers. It is a quantitative-correlational study conducted cross-sectionally. The instruments used were the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale, Multidimensional Support Scale, and Calling Scale. Snowball sampling was used to identify participants, consisting of
more » ... health workers in East Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia. The data were analyzed with multiple linear regression techniques. Significant effects of social support and calling were found on resilience (p .01, F = 34.224), with calling shown to have more significant impact (p .01, F = 60.685) and 35.3% effective contribution. Amongst the types of social support, coworkers make the most significant contribution of 11.8% (p .01, F = 14.816), followed by family members at 9.6% (p .01, F = 11.752). On the other hand, social support from supervisors does not affect resilience (p .05, F = 0.904). Health workers should seek the social support they need proactively, and prospective health workers should consider their calling when choosing a career.
doi:10.21580/pjpp.v7i1.9287 fatcat:66v3ofozmjbv7nmueki7wo5nii