Database Security using Cryptography

Yash Singhal, Adwit Agarwal, Shivank Mittal, Shristi Katyayani, Amit Sharma
2022 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
Abstract: There has been an explosion in data since last two decades and this explosion of data is due to high rates of data conversion and better internet services worldwide [21]. All the conventional methods of data handling have been replaced by much more sophisticated means. One of the typical shifts of the emerging information society is that information is becoming a crucial if not the most vital source. Information contrasts profoundly from further resources; for example and it can be
more » ... tative without cost, it can be erased without leaving traces. [22] Protecting the new resource information is a major issue in the information economy [20]. One such means is a Database. It makes it easier for data related queries butit can be dangerous if this data is leaked or sent outside the organization. A high price is positioned on confidentiality when information concerning statesecrets, business plans, war strategy, medical recordsand financial transactions needs to be stored or transmitted. Since its inception, the Internet has enable [19]. A cyber crime emerging in recent years data breachis one of the most notorious and disastrous data crimes majorly caused due to unsecure database. To secure these databases we can apply the concepts of AES algorithm. It is an algorithm used in cryptographywhich changes normal text to unreadable or cypher text. Keywords: Cryptography, AES, cypher, digitzation, confidentiality
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2022.43621 fatcat:aakdbbpjdjgxrdn35dejknf7na