Longitudinal and Transverse Thrust

Masahiko Fujikubo, Patrick Kaeding, Tetsuya Yao
2000 Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Japan  
New shape functions for the lateral deflection of rectangular plate elements for the Idealized Structural Unit Method (ISUM) are developed. First, the collapse behaviour of rectangular plates under longitudinal and transverse thrust is studied by elastoplastic large deflection FEM and the characteristics of the collapse modes are highlighted. Based on these characteristic deflection modes, new lateral shape functions for the large ISUM elements are assumed and implemented. Comparisons with FEM
more » ... esults show the applicability and good accuracy of these new ISUM elements. The importance of shape functions simulating the collapse mode accurately is demonstrated by comparing the new formulation with a previous one and by examining the influence of two yield functions.
doi:10.2534/jjasnaoe1968.2000.209 fatcat:ydd57ac7qnfufofsa6b5fxceye