Empirical Research on the Cultivation of Primary School Students' Computational Thinking Based on Visual Programming——Take "Codemao" Platform Teaching as an Example

Hongmei Wang
2021 Region - Educational Research and Reviews  
With the rapid development of science and technology, cultivating primary school students' computational thinking ability is one of the most important tasks in contemporary education. Visual programming is closely related to computational thinking. Based on expounding their connotations and characteristics, this paper first analyzes the problems existing in the training of primary school students' computational thinking, then further constructs the training mode of primary school students'
more » ... tational thinking based on visual programming and conducts classroom teaching practice research, finally puts forward suggestions on the training of primary school students' computational thinking based on visual programming, and provides effective practical guidance for training primary school students' computational thinking ability, innovation and problem-solving ability.
doi:10.32629/rerr.v3i3.432 fatcat:v3q34lvnl5gqpi2uqd4qq7yh24