Detektory MOSFET jako narzędzie do weryfikowania dawek promieniowania X w radioterapii

Marcin Dybek, Włodzimierz Łobodziec, Tomasz Iwanicki, Aneta Kawa–Iwanicka, Sebastian Markisch, Wiktor Zipper
2004 Reports of Practical Oncology & Radiotherapy  
Purpose: Application of MOSFET detectors in photon beam dose measurements in vivo in radiotherapy. Materials and methods: Before measuring doses in vivo the following parameters such as: the dosimeter response to dose absorption, temperature, gantry angles and field side changes were determined using 6MV and 15MV photon beams. All measurements were made in a phantom to investigate the MOSFET accuracy, in electron equilibrium with a 0.6 cm 3 Farmer ionization chamber. Results: MOSFET parameters
more » ... re presented in graphs. The conformity between the planned dose and the dose measured in vivo within ±5% was observed in 86% of patients treated with 6MV photon beams and 91% patients treated with 15MV, respectively (SD=3.5%). Conclusions: MOSFET detectors are a useful tool for verifying the planned dose in external photon radiotherapy.
doi:10.1016/s1507-1367(04)71009-3 fatcat:43y3lrscurgg7phcl54m5pgo3u