Problem-based learning as a methodological strategy in the teaching-learning process

José Bernardo Cobeña Alava, Liseth Estefania Aguirre Vera, Verónica Flores Tipán, Gissella Valentina Loor Pinargote
2021 International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities  
The educational strategies implemented within the classroom arise from the needs that are presented in the same environment where their academic activities are developed. teacher has the leading role to strengthen their knowledge. From this point of view, the ABP seeks to develop in students a new learning model that enhances their abilities and promotes the development of their abilities. The objective of the research was to analyze the incidence of Problem-Based Learning in teachers and
more » ... ts of Basic General Education, surveys were applied to teachers, as a source of primary information, in the same way the deductive, bibliographic, descriptive and historical method Through this methodological process, it was possible to develop in a more feasible way the research with the study of several authors, with the collection and analysis of the information it was obtained as a result that the teachers through the contextualization of their practice focused on the use of methodological strategies allow solving situations from a simple to complex case study, as well as ensuring that the student encourages different ways of learning from their own experiences.
doi:10.53730/ijssh.v5n3.2028 fatcat:v2vg7tucfnarvbgnqjhzzx7buy