PT-symmetric metasurfaces: wave manipulation and sensing using singular points

Maryam Sakhdari, Mohamed Farhat, Pai-Yen Chen
2017 New Journal of Physics  
Enhanced third harmonic generation with graphene metasurfaces Boyuan Jin, Tianjing Guo and Christos Argyropoulos -Recent citations Scanning tunneling spectroscopy of the surface states of Dirac fermions in thermoelectrics based on bismuth telluride L N Lukyanova et al -This content was downloaded from IP address on 24/07 Abstract We investigate here active metasurfaces obeying parity-time (PT) symmetry and their sensing applications, taking advantage of singularities unique to
more » ... -Hermitian systems, such as the spontaneous PT-symmetry-breaking point (exceptional point or EP) and the coherent perfect absorber-laser (CPAL) point. We show theoretically that a PT-symmetric metasurface sensor may provide enhanced sensitivities compared to traditional passive sensors based on metamaterial/ metasurface resonators, because the singular point of one-way zero reflection arising from the EP or the CPAL-related sharp resonance may result in dramatically modulated scattering responses or resonance offsets. We demonstrate the proposed concept with realistic metasurface sensors based on photopumped graphene metasurfaces that simultaneously offer terahertz optical gain and (bio) chemical sensing functions. The proposed PT-symmetric metasurfaces may impact not only loss compensation and extraordinary manipulation of electromagnetic waves, but also practical sensing and detection applications.
doi:10.1088/1367-2630/aa6bb9 fatcat:knfxnu6atveifgbee35c6jfaye