Dissipative Euler Flows for Vortex Sheet Initial Data without Distinguished Sign

Francisco Mengual, László Székelyhidi
2022 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics  
We construct infinitely many admissible weak solutions to the 2D incompressible Euler equations for vortex sheet initial data. Our initial datum has vorticity concentrated on a simple closed curve in a suitable Hölder space and the vorticity may not have a distinguished sign. Our solutions are obtained by means of convex integration; they are smooth outside a "turbulence" zone which grows linearly in time around the vortex sheet. As a by-product, this approach shows how the growth of the
more » ... nce zone is controlled by the local energy inequality and measures the maximal initial dissipation rate in terms of the vortex sheet strength.
doi:10.1002/cpa.22038 fatcat:7suzsiqjtbhq7cv6j2fysviu5y