On Magnetic Fields in Rotating Nuclear Matter Cores of Stellar Dimensions

Kuantay Boshkayev
2011 Proceedings of 25th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics — PoS(Texas 2010)   unpublished
and ruffini@icra.it A globally neutral system of stellar dimensions consisting of degenerate neutrons, protons and electrons in beta equilibrium is considered using the ultra-relativistic solution of the Thomas-Fermi equation. Such a system at nuclear density having mass numbers A ≈ 10 57 can exhibit a charge distribution different from zero. The analysis to investigate the magnetic field induced by the rotation of the system as a whole rigid body and its stability is presented in the framework of classical electrodynamics.
doi:10.22323/1.123.0275 fatcat:42ecphy6r5hunhnx5ksd2vqiza