Pressure-induced two-step spin crossover in a double-layered elastic model
Daisuke Taniguchi, Jun Okabayashi, Chisa Hotta
Physical review B
We study the two-step spin crossover in a double-layered elastic model based on transition metal complexes each taking high spin (HS) and low spin (LS) states. Here, only the simplest elastic interactions between adjacent molecules are considered and the system is exposed to the external pressure within the framework of NPT-Monte Carlo method. As a certain amount of pressure is applied, the first order thermal transition between uniform HS and LS phases transforms to a two-step transition with
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... n emergent intermediate spin (IS) phase, where the HS and LS molecules are paired face to face between layers and form diagonally striped clusters within the layer. The difference in the size of HS and LS molecules is reflected both in the elastic interactions and in the enthalpy, and the IS phase could gain the latter over the loss of the former by significantly reducing its volume. The present pressure effect is interpreted to the chemical one in double-layered transition metal materials, which actually reveals a variety of multistep spin crossover transitions relevant to our numerical result.