Síndrome de Achenbach de presentación inusual

Yelson A. Picón-Jaimes, Javier E. Orozco-Chinome, Mabel P. Franky-Rojas, Jessica Molina-Franky, Carlos Acosta-Guevara, Luis E. Echeverry
2021 Cirugía y Cirujanos  
Achenbach syndrome is a condition of unknown etiology, characterized by changes in the coloration of the skin of the fingers and associated with acute pain. There are few epidemiological data, but it is estimated that it is a rare condition, which exceptionally appears under 40 years of age. We present the case of a young woman who has been diagnosed with Achenbach syndrome thanks to her history and after ruling out rheumatic, vascular, and metabolic pathology. We finalize by discussing data on
more » ... the pathology and the differences found with the case we describe here.
doi:10.24875/ciru.20001188 pmid:34762626 fatcat:7a6gbbdtpfdrhj5uhvflledbt4