Changes in Morphology, Total Polyphenols, Caffeine, and Chlorogenic Acid in Beans of Arabica Coffee (Coffea arabica) during Roasting

Seolah Kim, Sun Woo Chung, Hyun Joo An, Chan Kyu Lim, Mi Kyoung Jeon, Yeon Jin Jang
2022 Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition  
Coffee comprises of numerous bioactive compounds, and has recently been cultivated in temperate regions. We investigated the morphological and phytochemical changes in beans of Coffea arabica cvs. Catuai, Caturra, and Geisha cultivated in the Republic of Korea, at three roasting stages: green bean, 1st crack, and 2nd crack. Morphological changes were estimated by considering the size parameters and weights. Total polyphenols were determined using spectrophotometry, and caffeine and chlorogenic
more » ... cid were quantified using high-performance liquid chromatography with the appropriate standards. Increased volume and decreased weight were observed in the beans of all three cultivars after roasting. The content of total polyphenols was about 13.74 mg gallic acid equivalent/g dry weight. The analysis of variance revealed that the contents of total polyphenols was insignificant among the cultivars and there was no significant change in the roasting stages. Compared to green bean, decreased contents of caffeine were obtained in the 1st crack and 2nd crack of 'Catuai'. Chlorogenic acid contents were dramatically decreased in the 1st and 2nd crack of all three cultivars, as compared to green bean. Among the cultivars, 'Geisha' showed maximum decrease in chlorogenic acid (about 96%, 1.87 mg/mL) at 2nd crack, compared to the green bean (44.72 mg/mL). These results provide information about the characteristics of various coffee cultivars grown in the Republic of Korea during roasting.
doi:10.3746/jkfn.2022.51.4.344 fatcat:lwd7e4wwpzeyxkl4kfad4opyxa