Design, Application, and Validation of an IoT Wireless Sensor Network based on Lora for Strawberry Farming

Mateus R Cruz, Samuel Mafra, Felipe Augusto Pereira de Figueiredo
2022 Anais do XL Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais   unpublished
Agriculture innovation has become essential to increasing the efficacy of food production. Wireless Sensor Networks and the Internet of Things can play an essential role in this innovation process. This paper proposes and validates a LoRa network that applies Machine Learning capabilities on edge following an Internet of Things approach. The Wireless Sensor Network proposed combines Long Range communications and monitoring systems, allowing a data-driven farming approach. It is essential in a
more » ... rld with a crescent population and limited plantation area.
doi:10.14209/sbrt.2022.1570823724 fatcat:2cb6p5jstbdlpfjkjvfafstezy