Partogram in trial of labor after cesarean section

Ban Riyadh Ibrahim Al-Alwani, Abeer Riyadh Ibrahim Al-Alwani, Samar D. Sarsam
2022 International Journal of Health Sciences  
In recent decades, the proportion of caesarean sections to vaginal delivery has increased substantially for various reasons, and a trial of vaginal birth after a caesarean section may save many pregnant women from recurrent cesarean sections and their complications. Aim: Aim is to detect whether partogram is applicable in the monitoring of a trial of labor after cesarean section. Patients and methods: A cross sectional observational study was conducted at AL-ELWIYAH maternity teaching hospital.
more » ... Partogram was studied for (200) term pregnancy patients with previous one cesarean section for a non-recurring cause. Both the advantages and disadvantages of vaginal birth after cesarean section and a repeat cesarean section were explained and an informed consent is obtained. Their partograms were studied and at any time during the trial if an indication of cesarean section appeared the trial would be abandoned and an emergency repeat cesarean section would be performed. Result: Among the (200) patients included in the trial the following results were obtained: (170) patients delivered vaginally hence success rate was (85%).
doi:10.53730/ijhs.v6ns5.9205 fatcat:2rcq43hljrgc7ip63i3uqez3pq