A sociabilidade alemã no Rio de Janeiro (1821–1863): a Germania, a Igreja Evangélica e a sociedade beneficente

Sylvia Lenz
2002 Jahrbuch für Geschichte Lateinamerikas – Anuario de Historia de America Latina  
We consider the differences between the autonomy atitude of the Hanseats tradesmen and the centralization of the Prussian State enhancing how this reflected in the German community in Rio de Janeiro. Thus we demostrate the significance of the associations -Vereine -in Germany since the 18th century and how they lived forth in Brazilian Court considering the importance of the three German societies founded there. The first one, the German Society -Gesellschaft Germania -established in 1821 by
more » ... man and other European traders, mainly Englishmen, was concerned with leasure and culture. The second, the German Evangelical Church -Deutsch-Evangelische Gemeinde -, founded in 1827, was a Union of French speeking calvinists and German lutherans and should give them spiritual and moral support. The last, the German Welfare Society -Deutscher Hülfsverein -from 1844, was of a more national character; it aimed to attend the social and material needs of the poorest compatriots desregarding their confession and supported German Schools. AS ASSOCIAÇÕES ALEMÃS E OS NEGOCIANTES NORTE-EUROPEUS NO RIO DE JANEIRO Na Alemanha setecentista, os alemães formaram as primeiras associações culturais livres, como a Sociedade da Leitura, e que diferiam das antigas corporações, de caráter involuntário, cujos membros eram agregados segundo nascença e estamento. Nas associações, pressupunha-se que os sócios entrassem, saíssem e se reunissem livremente; a posição social do indivíduo era irrelevante. No século posterior, atividades burguesas organizavam-se em diversas associações: canto, música, arte e ginástica enquanto grupos com interesses sócio-econô-Jahrbuch für Geschichte Lateinamerikas 39
doi:10.7767/jbla.2002.39.1.103 fatcat:jormcqxernhv7ph2i4g4n3222m