Index [chapter]

2022 Advances in Econometrics  
Bank of England (BoE), 148-149, 173 Bayesian approach, 2 Bayesian semi-parametric methodology, 41 Beauty contest assessment criteria, 111-115 'Beggar-thy-neighbour' effects, 40 Beveridge-Nelson filter (BN filter), 47, 101, 137-138 Bivariate model for GDE-GDI measures, 24 Bivariate VAR, 97 Bry and Boschan quarterly dating algorithm (BBQ dating algorithm), 101, 112-113 Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), 3 Business cycle (BC), 79-90, 100 actual cycles comparison, 118 beauty contest assessment
more » ... ria, 111-115 calculation, 101-102 cyclical convergence, 102-103 defining, 133 gross domestic product, 118-122 mathematics of Ten TCD methods, 135-144 MC simulation, 103-106, 115-118 methods used for TCD, 106-111 power transfer functions, 134 results and assessment, 115 synchronization of cycles with Euro Area, 125-128 TCD methods, 100-101 unemployment rates, 122-125 Butterworth-Whittaker filter (BWF), 100
doi:10.1108/s0731-90532022000044b006 fatcat:vcbsmbpk6nhj7krokc2ku5h3n4