The Impact of Internet Marketing on the Profitability of Yifeng Pharmacy

Xiaofeng Tian, Luyao Duan, Siqi Ying
2022 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research   unpublished
To analyze the impact of Internet marketing on Yifeng Pharmacy, this paper adopts a comparative analysis method to explore the changes and reasons of the profitability index of Yifeng Pharmacy between 2018 and 2020. The results indicate that the multi-platform online stores could expand sales, improve profitability, and create scale effects. However, they also bring about problems like the decline of gross margin, industrial policy risks, and market competition. Therefore, relevant recommendations are proposed in this paper.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.220107.026 fatcat:qhzwyebvxrci5kf63z5j747srq