Can We Make Computers Laugh at Talks?

Chong Min Lee, Su-Youn Yoon, Lei Chen
2016 International Conference on Computational Linguistics  
Considering the importance of public speaking skills, a system that can predict where audiences might laugh during a talk can be helpful to a person preparing for a presentation. We investigated the possibility that a state-of-the-art humor recognition system could be used to detect sentences that induce laughters. In this study, we used TED talks and audience laughters during those talks as data. Our results showed that the state-of-the-art system needs to be improved in order to be used in a
more » ... ractical application. In addition, our analysis showed that classifying humorous sentences in talks is very challenging due to the close similarity between humorous and nonhumorous sentences.
dblp:conf/coling/LeeYC16 fatcat:od2awknzlfeb5d4diwowfsohi4