The Cowichan Leader [Thursday, May 26, 1927] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
In JuHlee Kw.--. Duncan Viaiton -QiWy Five Weeks To-morrow FINE PIOZli^boR FLOAl> etdr. wroM tot mtm%uon oi I as a prsctitioiicr. Bolfi let-ssss?a^"aT?-'j of corrcspolldeace. Mt. W-A Mc-Adan, secreSarv. B. C House, Lou don. .eo<«hr inforratioii for a pros-peeW aittler in tjejBstrict »ho in tended t<> (o mto Duiliro»ia».. A dootot wrote for intofjsaupn of the shtt -'-*■-----* coTcred locsttnf mm US yaui»»-.-i.
doi:10.25316/ir-1941 fatcat:uo3ii4l4avg6hnfqcru3su3p5i