Conclusions [chapter]

Antonio Bova
2019 The Functions of Parent-Child Argumentation  
What is the function of parent-child argumentation? This chapter intends to answer the main research question that has guided the study presented in this volume and open a discussion for future research on this topic. In the first part, the chapter provides a detailed overview of the main findings of the analysis of parent-child argumentative discussions during mealtime. The role played by parents and children in the inception and development of argumentation, and the types of conclusions of
more » ... ir argumentative discussions are described. Subsequently, two educational targets achieved by parents and children through their argumentative interactions are presented and critically discussed. In the last part, new open questions that should guide future investigation to expand our knowledge of the role and function of argumentation between parents and children are proposed.
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-20457-0_5 fatcat:wpg7c7u7nzcejlgn5rzcpzif7u