Property Variation of Extruded Mg-Gd Alloys by Mn Addition and Processing

Björn Wiese, Jochen Harmuth, Regine Willumeit-Römer, Jan Bohlen
2022 Crystals  
This paper presents how the mechanical properties, the microstructure and the degradation rate of extruded Mn-containing Mg-Gd alloys can be modified during extrusion. Gd as a rare earth element is particularly interesting due to the influence on the texture development in Mg, and is therefore studied as a base alloy system. The contents of Gd were investigated between 2 to 9 wt.%, with Mn additions of 0.5 and 1.0 wt.%. The grain sizes and the corresponding textures were modified by varying the
more » ... extrusion parameters and the alloy content. It was shown that modification with Mn can lead to further grain refinement, an increase in the degree of recrystallization, as well as a decrease in the degradation rate in the biological medium compared with the binary Mg-Gd system from previous studies. The results suggest that the resulting properties are more robust compared with the binary alloy.
doi:10.3390/cryst12081036 fatcat:zlipq3gtgfarbezy7xtsxv7574