Economic Analysis of Bamboo Cultivation in Nagaland

Walosangla AO et al., Walosangla AO et al.,, TJPRC
2021 International Journal of Economics Commerce and Research  
In recent years, bamboo based sector is gaining commercial importance in Nagaland state. From time immemorial people are closely associated with bamboo, having strong influence on their art, handicrafts and the economy. Yet, it is neither documented properly nor studied systematically. Therefore, the paper is an attempt to understand the factors responsible for effecting the production of bamboo cultivation and profit of the bamboo cultivators in Nagaland. The result of multiple regression
more » ... sis indicates that profits, total cost of production and area under cultivation are significant predictors of annual production. Further, number of years in bamboo cultivation and size of plantation are statistically significant and they are significant predictors of annual profit.
doi:10.24247/ijecrjun20211 fatcat:lzflu2m44rgjhojkstdyflzrgi