Changes of Arterial Pulse (Augmentation Index) in Normotensive Subjects with Family History of Hypertension: Implication in Primary Prevention of Hypertension

KS Woo
2020 Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research  
Introduction Family history plays an important role in the development of essential hypertension [1] . A study from the hypertension survey of 24,762 subjects in China showed the prevalence of hypertension in subjects with hypertensive family history (either father or mother or both have hypertension) was significantly higher than those without family history [2] . Furthermore, the onset age of hypertension in subjects with hypertensive family history was younger than those without hypertensive
more » ... family history. It is well known that blood pressure is a quantitative trait controlled by numerous hormonals, neural, and structural changes. Structural changes in large blood vessels in hypertension include medial degenerative changes, which stiffen the arteries and increase the pulse wave velocity. Such degree of vascular stiffening may lead to the development of hypertension. Accordingly, genetic risk factors affecting the rate of increase in vascular stiffening are being considered as a topic of great interest [3] . Sphygmocardiography ARTICLE INFO AbsTRACT
doi:10.26717/bjstr.2020.28.004635 fatcat:c2o3idf2ivgypl5rp7zhsd3dzy