LXX. On the probable mode of constructing the pyramids; introduced by letters relating to the history of the subject, addressed to Lieut.-Col. Sabine, Lieut.-Col. Dansey, and the author

Henry Perigal
1844 The London Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science  
Print) 1941-5974 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/tphm14 LXX. On the probable mode of constructing the pyramids; introduced by letters relating to the history of the subject, addressed to Lieut.-Col. Sabine, Lieut.-Col. Dansey, and the author Henry Perigal Esq. To cite this article: Henry Perigal Esq. (1844) LXX. On the probable mode of constructing the pyramids; introduced by letters relating to the history of the subject, addressed to Lieut.-Col. Sabine, Lieut.-Col.
more » ... nsey, and the author , Philosophical Magazine Series 3, 25:168, 404-412,
doi:10.1080/14786444408646078 fatcat:frj5wqunljh2njbx5f36nmj2oa