Transfer of an avian genetic reflex epilepsy by embryonic brain graft: a tissue autonomous process?

Marie-Aimee Teillet, Robert Naquet, Cesira Batini
2005 International Journal of Developmental Biology  
Electroencephalographic characteristics and clinical symptoms of an avian genetic reflex epilepsy have been transferred from Fayoumi epileptic (Fepi) chickens to non-epileptic chickens by embryonic homotopic grafts of brain neuroepithelium. Transplanted tissues belonging to the prosencephalic vesicle transferred epileptic electrical features while tissues from the mesencephalic vesicle were responsible for seizure motor manifestations of the disease. Thus each of these tissues can express their
more » ... own specificity when grafted separately in a normal host, but they co-operate to produce the complete epileptic phenotype when grafted together. KEY WORDS: Brain chimera, avian genetic reflex epilepsy, behavior transfer, EEG Int.
doi:10.1387/ijdb.041961mt pmid:15906237 fatcat:vfdgh4ds7becfjoqmlescxsaju