E-024 Deep learning-based cerebral aneurysm segmentation and morphological analysis on the three-dimensional rotational angiography

H Nishi, A Lustici, N Cancelliere, T Marotta, J Spears, V Pereira
2022 SNIS 19th annual meeting electronic poster abstracts   unpublished
Introduction and purpose Mechanical thrombectomy have heralded the new area in evaluation of thrombus composition in Acute ischemic stroke (AIS) patients suffering large vessel occlusion (LVO). The role of mechanical thrombectomy in distal occlusions remains unclear and current literature is limited regarding the composition of thrombus in distal occlusion which has an implication for endovascular treatment. We
doi:10.1136/neurintsurg-2022-snis.135 fatcat:kfxrqumu5vhu7ke6j7rayx4rna