A multidimensional signal processing approach for classification of microwave measurements with application to stroke type diagnosis

H. Y. Mesri, M. K. Najafabadi, T. McKelvey
2011 2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society  
A multidimensional signal processing method is described for detection of bleeding stroke based on microwave measurements from an antenna array placed around the head of the patient. The method is data driven and the algorithm uses samples from a healthy control group to calculate the feature used for classification. The feature is derived using a tensor approach and the higher order singular value decomposition is a key component. A leave-one-out validation method is used to evaluate the properties of the method using clinical data.
doi:10.1109/iembs.2011.6091596 pmid:22255819 dblp:conf/embc/MesriNM11 fatcat:itftfga2tzc3ldczgwpkwye7om