Controlled Release of Cations from Conducting Composite Films of Polypyrrole/polystyrensulfonate (PPY/PSS)

A Vázquez, M T Cortés, S Cheng, I Boyano, T F Otero
2001 Portugaliae Electrochimica Acta  
A transductor is a device that transforms the effect of a physical change like pressure, temperature, etc. in another kind of signal, normally electric. Conducting polymers could be used for the development of ionic transducers. Because they are able to interchange ions with electrolytic solutions during their redox processes to maintain the electro neutrality required in each moment. An electrical signal is then transformed in an ionical signal. In this work a quantitative study, combining
more » ... noamperometry (CA) and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS), of the behavior of PPy/PSS composite films for release cations in a controllable way is done. If the release of ions from conducting polymers could be electrically controllable, potential applications like intelligent interfuses for the release of drugs or artificial nerves could be developed.
doi:10.4152/pea.200103279 fatcat:g3jvjdr2ufh23h5iiwyqubemva