Analysis of Optimization of Delegation Authority to Implementation of One-Stop Integrated Services to DPMPTSP Padang City

Kusdarini, Yoga Bagas
2020 Proceedings of the International Conference on Public Administration, Policy and Governance (ICPAPG 2019)   unpublished
This paper will discuss the Optimization Analysis of the Delegation of Authority to Implement One-Stop Integrated Services to the Investment Office and One-Stop Integrated Services in Padang City. One tangible form of efforts to improve service quality in Padang City is the issuance of Padang City Representative Number 28 of 2017 concerning Delegation of the Authority to Implement One-Stop Services to the Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services Office. But in its implementation, delegation
more » ... f authority mandated to DPMPTSP of Padang City has many problems that arise. From the above phenomenon, the researcher wants to see how to optimize the implementation of the delegation of the authority of one-stop integrated service delivery to the Padang One-Stop Integrated Service and Model Planting Service. This study uses qualitative research methods with data collection techniques using in-depth interview techniques. The locus of this research is the City of Padang. The results of this study are the delegation of authority mandated to DPMPTSP of Padang City is not as easy as imagined. The many types of licensing and non-licensing services related to other technical OPDs are one indication of the obstacles to the optimal delegation of authority. In addition, there is an assumption that all types of licensing and non-licensing services that were originally under the authority of the technical office were then delegated to the Padang City DPMPTSP, so the management authority has moved to the Padang City DPMPTSP. Some of the problems that have arisen include issues related to work procedures, service standards, human resource management, and others.
doi:10.2991/aebmr.k.200305.215 fatcat:7z3kqtarfrdqjfjhblgi2d4z6a