Resurrecting Free Play in Young Children

Hillary L. Burdette, Robert C. Whitaker
2005 Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine  
W e have observed that the nature and amount of free play in young children has changed. Our purpose in this article is to demonstrate why play, and particularly active, unstructured, outdoor play, needs to be restored in children's lives. We propose that efforts to increase physical activity in young children might be more successful if physical activity is promoted using different language-encouraging play-and if a different set of outcomes are emphasized-aspects of child well-being other
more » ... physical health. Because most physical activity in preschoolers is equivalent to gross motor play, we suggest that the term "play" be used to encourage movement in preschoolers. The benefits of play on children's social, emotional, and cognitive development are explored.
doi:10.1001/archpedi.159.1.46 pmid:15630057 fatcat:inhtwveyyrglbdeu23jxlne5zu