دور المعونة الإنمائیة الدولیة فی إنهاء الفقر المدقع

عمرو محمد الشناوی
2021 مجلة کلیة الشریعة و القانون بطنطا مجلة فصلیة علمیة محکمة  
The images of poverty, deprivation, want and pain from which various countries and regions are currently suffering are the most prominent manifestations of the failure of the international community and its institutions to spread and activate the principles of: solidarity, justice, equality ... etc., which, by the way, are the principles from which this system derives the reasons for its existence and continuity. . On the other hand, the governing framework for granting and providing aid and
more » ... ernational development assistance suffers from severe deterioration and weakness, which would have diminished its efficiency and effectiveness in ending poverty. Therefore, it was necessary to re-study and analyze this framework in order to supply it and provide it with the amount of transparency, control and governance it deserves. It should be noted that this need is not limited to the case of donor countries, institutions and entities alone. Rather, recipient countries, regions and organizations lack procedures that are no less important. And if this is neglected, the fulfillment of the sustainable development goals in the manner and in the term that was formulated in the UN agenda for the year 2030 becomes unthinkable, especially with regard to Goal No. (1) related to ending poverty. The lesser income and the destitute, and then the procedures for removal from it and breaking its sustainability become more expensive and longer-term. Accordingly, the research tries to identify the nature and limits of the role of international development aid in ending poverty, in general, and its extreme in particular, including by studying and analyzing the most important obstacles and factors that prevent the progress and success of this role, while proposing and drafting a number of proposals. And procedures and policies that may contribute to raising the efficiency and effectiveness of this role.
doi:10.21608/mksq.2021.172699 fatcat:rejyqzw5d5fkdh3b2kwtlmj4ya