Symmetry Breaking Resulting from Long-Range Interactions in Out of Equilibrium Systems: Elastic Properties of Irradiated AgCu

D. Simeone, P. Garcia, C. O. Bacri, L. Luneville
2020 Physical Review Letters  
This work presents a consistent formulation of the phase-field approach to model the behavior of nonmiscible alloys under irradiation which includes elastic strain fields, an example of a long-range interaction. Simulations show that the spatial isotropy that is characteristic of radiation-induced patterns breaks down as a result of the elastic strain energy. The consequence of this is the emergence of superlattice structures under irradiation liable to modify macroscopic material properties.
more » ... is approach is assessed against the experimental study of a AgCu alloy under irradiation: we compare our simulation results to measured solubility limits and Young moduli.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.125.246103 pmid:33412047 fatcat:tik3g3lhl5drxgwegallk2pvhe