Nutritional Management of the Sick Animal

Larry T. Watson
Proper nutritional management of the sick animal is a complex subject that demands cooperation between the disciplines of animal nutrition and animal health. In fact, animal feedlot nutrition and feedlot performance and animal disease prevention and health are 2 sciences that cannot be separated since they are so interrelated. I feel it is important at this point to emphasize the need for this cooperation. Just as improper bunk management techniques cause concerns for both professionals (
more » ... yed as overeating, overloading, bulling, and bloats) affecting the performance and health, sick cattle nutrition and management will reflect on the performance of both disciplines. Cooperation and communication between the veterinarian and nutritionist helps minimize problems and aid in efficient approaches to problems when they do arise.
doi:10.21423/aabppro19906800 fatcat:efs2ajiw5zd2beb4xpwt6mjamq