High-Resolution Imaging within the Urban Environment -- "What's beneath our streets"! [unknown]

Jackson K. Odum, Robert A. Williams, William J. Stephenson, David M. Worley
2004 Fact Sheet   unpublished
Printed on recycled paper U n d e r s t a n d i n g E a r t h q u a k e H a z a r d s I n U r b a n A r e a s High-Resolution Imaging within the Urban Environment-"What's beneath our streets"! As part of the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP), detailed seismic-reflection studies (high-resolution imaging) are conducted in urban areas to gather information necessary to assess potential earthquake hazards within communities prone to damaging earthquakes.
doi:10.3133/fs20043017 fatcat:rb56wzums5fq7e2q6wnqt3vyy4