The Implementation of Management North Sumatera Wushu 2017

Tengku Imam Buana
2017 Proceedings of the 2nd Annual International Seminar on Transformative Education and Educational Leadership (AISTEEL 2017)   unpublished
This research aims to know the training program, the quality of the coaches, the circumstances of the organization, the facilities and infrastructure, and the funds used in North Sumatera wushu development. This research used descriptive qualitative method with sample of North Sumatera Wushu provincial officials. Data collections were observation, interview, and documentations. To data sources were officials, coaches, and athletes of North Sumatera wushu. The documents or substantiations used
more » ... prove the data were charters, photos, management structure and others. The results of this research concerned were: (1) The development of wushu athletes of North Sumatera achievement was very good, (2) The organizational management was friendly, opennes among others and made the things run well (3) The quality of coaches were excellent and competedt in training. The conclusions obtained in the wushu development of North Sumatera were: (1) the wushu development of North Sumatera should be an icon of sports development model in North Sumatera, supported by the good function of the management, can reach the set target, (2) Having a complex organizational structure in line with the work programs and responsibilities, (3) Having the International and National competence and supported by the complete facilities and infrastructures.
doi:10.2991/aisteel-17.2017.90 fatcat:bbv4cn5t4nd77o7nizo35bo2nq