Quantum corrections to critical phenomena in gravitational collapse

Patrick R. Brady, Adrian C. Ottewill
1998 Physical Review D, Particles and fields  
We investigate conformally coupled quantum matter fields on spherically symmetric, continuously self-similar backgrounds. By exploiting the symmetry associated with the self-similarity the general structure of the renormalized quantum stress-energy tensor can be derived. As an immediate application we consider a combination of classical, and quantum perturbations about exactly critical collapse. Generalizing the standard argument which explains the scaling law for black hole mass, M ∝
more » ... we demonstrate the existence of a quantum mass gap when the classical critical exponent satisfies β≥ 0.5. When β < 0.5 our argument is inconclusive; the semi-classical approximation breaks down in the spacetime region of interest.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.58.024006 fatcat:r2yj7mf57zgzleryjf3ukalohu